“På tur”: Hiking food


When I grew up in Norway we would always go for hikes every Sunday. In the winter it would be cross-country skiing. Going for ‘på tur’ is almost a cultural event for Norwegians. It could translate to mean going for a walk or a field trip or hiking, but that would just be the literal translation and not quite give the full meaning, but it always use of active transportation and a lookout for nature outdoors. The closest way to explain it in English is perhaps with the quote, “Life is a journey, not a destination”, — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I try to keep up this philosophy and tradition with my kids as well. It might be a little different in a big city. We always try to stop when we find a natural moment.

This weekend let your family be distracted by nature. Maybe there is a goal, destination or activity that is bringing you there, but be open to what is outside and not let the destination get in the way of you and your children’s experience.


Rain or Shine by Courntey: Read more

My oldest daughter and I are planning to take our last bike trip of the season by exploring Toronto’s ravine system.

A very important part of going “pa tur” is the food. It’s starting to be a little bit cold so we are bringing with us my thermos picnic.

Here is what we will bring with us.

Acorn squash and apple soup

Hot chocolate



Thermos picnics

What are you going to do this weekend? Have a great weekend !