Outside Every Day- Make Every Day a Play Day: November 17th, 2011


The rain won’t stop us from playing outside!

Today was another rainy day.  Well, I shouldn’t say that, it was dry until about 20 minutes before we had our scheduled outdoor playgroup today in my backyard.  Many people opted not to join us in the rain, probably because they don’t have the proper gear yet, but we’ll get them geared up soon!  I watch my friend’s children on Thursday afternoons while she is teaching some drama classes, so we had two friends join us outside today.  They were a little hesitant at first- as were my kids, they just wanted to run inside and play with their friends- but when you visit a house that has extra rain pants, you pretty much have no choice but to go outside and play in the rain for a while.  Once I got them outside they had a lot of fun digging in the mud in the garden-pretending they were doing science experiments and finding worms.  We played outside for a good hour, but not as long as we would have had we not been right outside our nice, warm, dry house, which was calling to the kids.  Inside they played very nicely and I’d like to think the outdoor play helped with that.  They were working together outside to complete tasks which is always heartwarming to watch.

In this video my son is trying to dig up some soil to add to their “science experiment”.


His friend comes to help him and what they find is a worm, which everyone has to examine very closely, of course!


Tomorrow we’ll be at Esker Park at 10 a.m.- a good place to bring bikes/scooters!  See you then.