Wednesday, March 26, 2025

4 simple snow activities : 4 simple ways of enjoying the white stuff

Sledding: An old classic that never fails to amaze new generations. You have many choices; remember that often the most simple is often the...

Make Snow Ice Cream

Ever tasted snow ice cream before? Not me either until recently. I  heard about from some of the cartoons on TV. We had some friends...

Snow tag

If you are lucky enough to have snow where you live you have so many opportunities for fun outdoor play. Now in the winter it...

How to make an Ice Castle

While we are waiting for the light It’s cold and freezing, maybe even borderline to be too cold to be outside. Some people take advantage...

Give a heart to the birds : DIY Heart shaped Bird Feeder

It is a traditional belief or story that on Valentine’s Day the birds find their mates. They have to hook up early in the...

10 Outdoor play ideas for winter with snow or without snow

Happy New Year ! There are many ways kids can play outside in winter, of course having snow makes everything more enjoyable for everyone but...

Skating with kids

This article was first published in 2012 and edited in 2020" By Debra ScottLast year my daughter and I went to the rink every Tuesday...

Set up Bird Feeders and Go Bird Watching

By Katie Elizabeth Winter is tough on birds, so now is a great time to have your kids put out some suet or birdseed and...

Make an Advent Calendar out of nature

I remember my childhood pre- Christmas time and my advent calendar. Now that I’m a mother myself, I love to create and carry-on traditions...

Winter wonderland

By Kristen Maxwell The leaves have begun to fall, the air is cool and my daughter and I have begun to collect leaves to decorate...
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