Make an Advent Calendar out of nature


I remember my childhood pre- Christmas time and my advent calendar. Now that I’m a mother myself, I love to create and carry-on traditions for my children. The holiday time is such a great time to create new family traditions. For this year’s Advent calendar, our family was inspired by nature. If you have followed me a little before, you know I have a special love for bringing nature inside whenever I get the chance.

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Start your project with:
Go for a hike in your neighborhood or in the forest and look for the perfect branches for bringing home to use as your advent branch. Look for branches that an interesting shape and lots of small branches to tie your cookies on.

You need:


Gingerbread cookies, use this recipe

A straw to make a hole in the cookie

Royal icing

Parchment or piping cone



Green icing

This is how you do it:

Secure the branches in a vase or base.

Bake cookies:

Bake 24 gingerbread cookies. We used the angel shape cookie cutter, but any shape will do. When you cut out the cookie, use a straw to make a hole for the string. Decorate the cookie with royal icing and make numbers from 1- 24.

Cut strings and tie them around each cookie, and hang each of the cookies on the branch.


Another idea is to replace cookies with paper bags and fill bags with useful gifts for active kids.If you are looking for useful and cool advent fillers check out out our safety reflectors.



Enjoy the pre- Christmas season!