Winter wonderland


By Kristen Maxwell

The leaves have begun to fall, the air is cool and my daughter and I have begun to collect leaves to decorate the dinner table.  Yes, fall is upon us with winter on its heels.  Last year my daughter’s favourite winter fun was making snow angels. I wonder what will tickle her fancy this year.  Recently I came across a book called I Love Dirt!: 52 Activities to Help You and Your Kids Discover the Wonders of Nature , by Jennifer Ward; she offers many inspiring ideas for outdoor play on cold, snowy days.

Look at tracks
Try to find some tracks, follow them. You’ll discover many small animals are still busy finding food during the winter.  Why not help them out by offering treats.  Jennifer Ward suggests building a snowman bird feeder.  Build a snowman and adorn his stick arms with pinecones covered in peanut butter and dipped in bird seed.  Decorate his hat with nuts and dried fruit. Before long your snowman will be the most popular on the block and you will have a flock of birds and a cluster of squirrels to watch and enjoy. 

Winter picnic
Summer picnics are happy times for our family. This year we are going to continue the tradition all year long. Why don’t you have a picnic on a beautiful winter day?  There are winter days that are cold and crisp with a blue sky that goes on forever.  Dress the youngsters warmly, grab the summer picnic blanket, your favourite picnic treats, and head out to have an afternoon of winter fun. Remember to bring a thermos of hot chocolate . A winter picnic is not complete without it.

The first snow fall takes me back to playing in the snow as a child.  My brother, sister and I would spend hours playing in the golf course across from our house. It was ripe with hills for tobogganing and trails for cross-country skiing.  No matter your age tobogganing is a great activity and as your child grows so will the hills. There are many options for tobogganing. What are you going to use for a sled? Big hill, little hill? What is the best hill for your child? For toddlers, a little bump is enough for them to have fun. Children love take turns pulling each other on toboggans or perhaps there favourite stuffed animals. For smaller children a plastic toboggan is best, its lightweight and easy for Mom or Dad to carry home. Tobogganing is a lasting activity, it is fun and great exercise for all.

Snow flakes
Snowflakes are a marvel. Take a magnifying glass outside with you to observe their beauty. Are some larger than others?  Are they all different?  Can you find a matching pair?  Count how long it takes for one to melt on your finger, tongue, or nose. Encourage your budding scientist to observe and your artist to sketch the flakes.
Do you know what the science explanation of snowflakes? Read the basic facts

Winter is a joyful season with much beauty.  At times  very cold and difficult to face the prospect of getting a wiggly child into a snowsuit and boots, but it is worth the effort to get outside and to be a part of the playground that nature has provided us.

Kristen Maxwell lives in Burligton with her family.She loves embracing the elements with her children and husbound.Kristen used to be the  organizer of Burlington Outdoor Kids