Rain art


BY Debi AKA Go Explore Nature

We love playing outside in the rain. Provided there is no lightening or any torrential downpours to threaten our safety, we welcome the chance to jump in puddles, play in mud and enjoy the wet weather.

During one particular downpour this winter, we decided to try something new: Rain art. The idea is simple: Sprinkle a few drops of food coloring on a paper plate, then gear up and head outside with plates in hand.

As the raindrops hit the plate, colors mix and swirl and a one-of-a-kind creation is born.

Kid creating rain art
Kid with a plate creating rain art

My oldest son (6-½) was enthralled with this one, making some 10+ different designs. He hunkered down alongside the edge of our garage by the birdbath where a steady stream of raindrops were easily accessible.

Then he began his own lesson in color mixing.

My youngest (2-½) was less enthusiastic about making rain art, but was more than willing to keep us company. After all, there were plenty of puddles nearby just calling his name.

Rain art puddle
Kids stomping in a puddle

Take-Home Tips

  • Set up for success. I laid out a large towel on the floor just inside the back door so the kids could remove their wet clothes and shoes once we were done. I had extra towels handy to help them dry off and warm up.
  • Frame your creations. What better way to remember how fun it is to play in the rain?
  • Rain art
    Plates with rain art