Voucher ($75) from PO.P


It can be hard to get outside to play these days,but it’s as important as,ever to let kids be kids. For decades Swedish parents have turned to Polarn O. Pyret for smart stylish, all -weather clothing. Clothes that layer in the winter, and protect in the summer make everyday a playday; no matter the weather.

Bringing back outdoor play means playing with friends! Start an outdoor playgroup where you live and create an outdoor playgroup and blog about it here at ActiveKidsclub.com.

It can be hard to get outside to play these days,but it’s as important as,ever to let kids be kids. For decades Swedish parents have turned to Polarn O. Pyret for smart stylish, all -weather clothing. Clothes that layer in the winter, and protect in the summer make everyday a playday; no matter the weather.

Bringing back outdoor play means playing with friends! Start an outdoor playgroup where you live and create an outdoor playgroup and blog about it here at ActiveKidsclub.com.

Polarn O. Pyret will send you a voucher ($75) good towards the purchase of Polarn O. Pyret vaild to the end of  2010 outerwear in recognition of your leadership.

PO.P and we at Activekidsclub.com believe that smart clothing means there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

Be a kid. Play hard. Get messy.

So what are you waiting for?

Join us here at ActiveKidsclub.com and connect with other parents who organize outdoor playgroups where they live.

To qualify for a PO.P voucher you have to be

1) A US resident (we hope PO.P comes to Canada soon)

2) You have to start an outdoor playgroup blog here on Activekidsclub.com

3) Love to play hard and get messy.

Can’t wait to hear about your outdoor playgroup.

Read more about outdoor playgroups

Tips how to start an outdoor playgroup

Register and start a new outdoor playgroup