PSA: Getting kids outside again


editors note: Thanks for taking a look. We hope the story, attached script and link to a video we produced will inspire you to do something fun. The video is for an upcoming contest to get parents to start new outdoor playgroups. The script is for a PSA that would speak more to the big picture of getting kids active outside.

When today’s parents were kids, they played outside. What else could you do? Pond hockey, snowmen, games and exploration were the main fare of children’s entertainment. Endless hours of being outside until parents called them in for dinner.

But, that has changed. If society doesn’t think it is an issue, all it has to do is take a look at the exploding number of obese kids who will be looking at heart surgery at 35. More depression and more diabetes; if we stay on this coarse these children will be the first generation to have a shorter lifespan than their parents.

Something so simple is being absentmindedly left behind. Over the last 20 years, we lost sight of the simple joys that benefited children. An author in the US coined the term; “Nature Deficit Disorder” to describe the loss.

A single outdoor playgroup
It started as a single outdoor playgroup in February 2006 with Norwegian Kari Svenneby and her then one year-old daughter at Oriole Park in Toronto. From grassroots action to website and social media successes, Kari is truly one of the leaders in the “getting kids outside” movement. The Toronto Star published a story on Kari and her work on the front page of their Friday’s Living section (Feb 6, 2009)

Bringing the activities back outside where they started is bringing the activities back outside where they started. Its motto is a translation from an old Norwegian saying. No bad weather, only bad clothing. Though baby steps and determination, one woman’s desire to get more kids out to play with hers has begun to change habits and perceptions in North America. But it isn’t easy. v.2.0
In the next month we are starting a membership drive to get parents and caregivers to organize their own outdoor playgroups and we just finished a PSA for the web to inspire them. We want to use the medium that is capturing kids attention to remind them and their parents what is outside that door. is also developing children’s programming for broadcast.

Outdoor play is quickly losing market share
What once just was; now has to be constructed. Nature needs to be sold along side the latest video games, TV shows or tutoring service. Outdoor play is quickly loosing market share with the competition and its public image sucks. It needs champions; it needs help in the marketing department.
Thank you
Thank you for looking at our message. We have brainstormed one script for a 30 second spot showing a world where the children are fun loving pets and the dogs are over screen timed children. (click on the script image to download) We would love to partner with your creative to see where this nugget could lead us, as we are looking for humorous, twisted and off-the-wall approaches to convey our message. Download Script PDF

We challenge your inner child to go play

We invite you to watch this video that captures the spirit of and its new drive to get parents to start or join an outdoor playgroup.