Baby play


    Summer time is the perfect time to be playing outdoors with your baby. Yes I did say baby. My littlest one will be a year old this month. We’ve been spending more and more time outside.

    Go for a walk

    When he was a newborn we both loved to go for a walk. It was good for me- different place, not the same four walls, off the couch from non stop nursing. It was great for him because he could feel the breeze on his face, the movement and ambient sounds lulled him to sleep. As he got older he was more alert to see what was going on around him. I was able to point out sounds , animals and things as we walked. Walking is an instant mood lifter for us both. I always felt energized after a walk. Sometimes he would just cry and just being outside calmed and soothed him. One of my favourite walks is the listening walk.

    I say nothing and try to pay attention to where he looks and if he points or gurgles. Then I try and explain or stop and watch with him.


    Touching and exploring

    Give a baby anything and they want to put it into their mouth. Mouthing is the way that a baby learns about objects. Clean natural objects are great at this stage because they are natural curious and willing to explore objects for a long time.

    Summer is a ripe time to explore.

    We set up some Treasure Baskets in the garden.

    He sits on a mat with a lime, pine cone, smooth rock and rough rock and a twig.

    He plays quite happily there by himself seated and curious. I stay nearby to oversee and

    make sure he’s safe. On warmer days we sit on the grass without shoes or socks on.

    He’s happy to pull at the grass and go looking for things at his level. His brothers are keen

    to bring him nature to play with but he’s happy being so close to the ground.

    Babies need sensory experiences and playing in the garden is a great place to start.

    Taking indoor activities outdoors

    We haven’t been great in the past at being outside until I realised I could take many of the indoor activities outside.

    Fun activities with baby include

    * having lunch outside in the high chair.

    * reading stories in the grass or in a pop up ten.

    * Taking his push toys outside to walk on the grass.

     Watching and observing

    I have two older children both have discovered their scooters and bikes.

    Living on a corner most of our garden is at the front so we’re out a lot gardening,watering, weeding and playing on the path. We also love chalk games on the driveway.

    None of these make it really easy to do with a baby but strapped into his stroller he gets to watch and see what’s going on. Moving him positions really helps him. He can be parked under a tree for shade. Then he spends a lot of time looking up. I’m sure the breeze and the rustling leaves is what he hears. He can touch the tree and likes to try and pry of the bark.
    Parking him on the incline ( not too much) helps him see things differently and hold himself differently. Placing him within eyeball of the popular hang out bush for butterflies and moths is also another good spot, although watch out for the bees and wasps too. Just moving him to three of four different positions in the short time we are out there changes his perspective. I never really thought about that until I could see him straining to see behind the stroller.

    Baby wearing
    Takes your child to a whole new level. They can see, touch, smell and feel so many new things especially if you go on a nature walk and encounter a cobweb or brush past some leaves. Watch as they reach out and look over. We are having lots outdoors this summer with our little one. Hope you will too.

    Melitsa Avila is a military wife, former teacher and busy mom to three young boys. Melitsa is originally from the UK, now living in Colorado with her family.It’s amazing how everyday objects such as: a wide open space, a pine cone, qamarching song, a colorful scarf, yarn, pudding, cereal boxes and paper can be put to so many playful age appropriate experiences….you’ll be amazed too!