Book Review: More Interesting Than Your Teacher by Stuart Wright


One day I found out I would be receiving a copy of the book More Interesting Than Your Teacher by Stuart Wright to review.  Sounded interesting.  I’m all for alternative learning methods.  Didn’t google it.  Didn’t know anything about it until I recieved it.  I thought it might be a a book about ways to get your kids to learn things outside of the classroom.  Well, it is!  Not in the way that I thought, but it is interesting in its own way.

More Interesting Than Your Teacher is a fun pocket encyclopedia filled with things you’ve always wanted to know about, and some things that you never even thought to read about it but once you come across it in this book your interest may be piqued.  What came first, the chicken or the egg?  What’s the deal with carniverous plants?

Honestly, at first I thought, well, this is not a book I’m going to sit down and read cover to cover.  Would I really use this?  Probably not.  But that day my four year old son asked me something about yawning.  Not having an answer that I knew to be completely accurate, I thought, hey, I think there’s something in that book about yawning!  I took it out, and sure enough, there was.  We found our answer.  I realized that this is a great book to have around when surrounded by curious preschoolers.  Usually my first instinct would be looking up an answer on the intenet, but that leads to my son wanting to poke aorund and look at other things and the information can be overwhelming.  I much preferred looking it up in this book!

It would make a nice gift for any age, but I’m thinking that older elementary school and middle school children would really like it.  I remember that was the age (in my experience) when everyone was really into the Guiness Book of World Records and all those types of fact and information books.  The information and the layouts are displayed in a fun and entertaining way.  The only thing I would wish for would be a table of contents that is in alphabetical order, for when you want to look up something specifically.  The one provided goes by page number, and though the font and style of the page is fun, it’s a little hard to navigate.

Pick it up.  I guarantee you’ll learn something you didn’t know!


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