Books for small kids


The holiday season is upon us and I assume you and your family is rushing around looking for gifts for family and friends. There are many items that can encourage love of the outdoors for kids and one of my favorite tools is a book.

Here are some of my favorite book tips:

Small Fry Outdoors: Inspiration for being outdoors with kids

By Susie Cameron and Katrina Crook, written by Caro Webster

Our Aussie friends have really made a fabulous book that shows children’s discovery of nature. The images in this book are breathtaking. I also love how they have connected activities to seasons. The book makes us all want to go outside and play as well wanting to go to Australia

 Get Out!: 150 Easy Ways for Kids & Grown-Ups to Get Into Nature and Build a Greener  by Judy Molland

A book that inspires families to get outside, but also gives practical advise to live more eco friendly and eat more healthy.

We love author ROBERT MUNCH. A lot of his books celebrate the connection between children and outdoor play, this is our favorite because you know how we feel about a mud puddle!

Mud Puddle




See nature through little humbugs eyes. Created by Marghanita Hughes. The Humbugs slip quietly into our towns and cities. They are here to look after what’s left of nature and the small creatures that live there. Here they can spread seeds around areas that would normally be bare of living things. Spreading color and life back into neglected parts of your town. Marghanita Hughes’s award winning book series has books for different age groups and themes. We especially love We’re the Little Humbugs Picture Book.




Learn about nature through the tails of trolls. Trolls are like humans only they live closer to nature. I discovered this book as an adult and I liked so much because of the description of nature and the seasons. It shows us how nature changes and how we can take advantage of the season. Rolf Lidbergs trolls illustrations are joyful and is what makes this book complete.

Troll, The Original Book of Norwegian Trolls by Rolf Lidberg.