Taiga Trekkers


Taiga Trekkers, part of the Anchorage Outdoor Family Network is a great group of active parents in Anchorage, Alaska. We meet up most Thursdays at 10. We have also recently added a once a month family Trek to include working families and spouses. The group started out with hiking with just infants and toddler and we have evolved to bigger kids who want to trek on their own. We certainly aren’t sprinting up the trails, we take our time and wait for each other to tend to our children’s needs.

Infants and toddlers are worn or pushed in strollers/sleds. The older kids hike at their own speed. We may not all travel the same average speed, but make sure that no one is ever alone, that there are always two adults together. This way we do not need to worry about keeping the entire pack together. With the cold temperatures in the winter and larger animals in the spring and summer, the buddy system is important for safety. It is also important to break and let the munchkins get out and enjoy nature themselves. I try to schedule a stroller/sled/pulk friendly event every other week.Eventually we will evolve into an all ages family hiking group when our older kiddos become too big for the strollers and carriers.


Setting off on trails we expect to find wonder and are not stressed if we don’t get to the final destination. Safety and sanity always come first. We respectfully request that dogs do not come on our hikes.

Thanks to some wonderful sponsors we have some great gear for parents to test drive. Please check out our Gear page for more info.

We are in the Alaskan wilderness and hiking ultimately is at your own risk. We trust that each adult will act according to what is in the best interest of their child and themselves.

NO DOGS PLEASE – I would love to say yes to dogs, I have 2 myself, but am afraid of what would happen if we all brought our K9 kids. I want the focus to remain on hiking with our children.

This group began in March 2010. We Trek year-round and in most weather – yes through the long Alaskan winters with our bundled up little ones.