Bag from PO.P


Our supporters in play, PO.P (Polarn O. Pyret) would like to give you an awesome bag to carry your snack. I’m sure you agree with me, snacks are such an important part of an outdoor playgroup. 

Our supporters in play, PO.P (Polarn O. Pyret) would like to give you an awesome bag to carry your snack. I’m sure you agree with me, snacks are such an important part of an outdoor playgroup.  

This is how this bag can be yours: 

1) Post a blog here on 

2) Include an image of you kids enjoying snacks outside 

3) You have to live in the US 

This Giveaway is open to all outdoor playgroup organizers in the US. If you are thinking about starting an outdoor playgroup remember that PO.P is also giving a $75 voucher good for any purchase in their online store, to anyone who starts an outdoor playgroup and shares their experiences with our community.This offer is valid while supply last. 




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