“Sea, Shell, Salt”


Seashell craft
By Kari Svenneby

One simple joy the seaside offers is collecting seashells. I used to have quite a collection of them as child. I guess I never grew up because I still enjoying collecting shells as an adult and have quite a collection in my home. There is something meditative in collecting shells by the shore. It amuses me to see that my daughter also likes it as much as I do.

When we are out shelling we will bring a book about local shells so we can look up what they are called and learn about their habitat. If you don’t have a book you can just start to teach simple categories of shells like mussel, clam, conch and snail to your child. When you collect shells make sure that they are not alive and if it is a busy beach it is best to get there in the morning before the beach is combed over.

How to prepare and wash shell
After a day on the beach or shore, make sure you clean the shells well. Let the shells dry well. Use a rag to put on mineral oil, let it soak for a few hours. Now they are ready to use for what ever purpose you wish.

Some cool things to do with shell
There are so many things you can do with shells. Decorative touches in vases, or use them for tabletop decorations for a summer party. Try adding a few shells in the sand bucket when your kids do sand play. This can be extra popular if the kids have never been to the ocean.
Some fun art projects for big and small kids

Shadow box with shells
You might not believe me, but my daughter did this one all by herself.
It is a pretty cool and modern piece of artwork that fits in my bathroom perfectly.

You need
A Shadow frame, I used a RIBBA from Ikea
Pen Paper
Shell (s)
Make a square the size that fits in the frame. Have your child brush glue in the square. Drizzle sand over the glue. Apply glue to the shell and press onto the sand background. Let it stand and dry. Put it in the frame and enjoy!



Shells in a display box
Lot’s of shells
Display box
This is easy, let your kids collect and put as many shells they want in the display box.
Voila they are done!




Shell Necklace
You need:
Thread or fishing line
Adults either drill holes in the shells or poke the holes with a needle if the shells are delicate.
Let your child use thread and make a shell necklace.