I hope you are ready for the challenge; this is the week we challenge you to be outside, every day, no matter the weather. Here at ActiveKidsclub.com, we might often talk about craft, art projects, games, sport and community organizing, but the outdoors doesn’t need any planning, it is just to get out there and enjoy. So this post is not about a certain activity or a project. I am just encouraging you to get out there and enjoy. Be a kid without any agenda and incorporate outdoor play in your daily life.
Simply just Go Outside and Play!

ATTENTION BLOGGERS: Join us for our outdoor challenge this week to make every day a play day. Blog about getting your kids outside and provide other parents with some inspiration, activities or great tales. Send us your link (and don’t forget to tell your readers about the week). We’ll post it here and let our fans vote for their favorite post during the week and you can be our Every Day a Play Day winner. (Yes, there’s a prize for you!) Email your link to: lkerr@polarnopyretusa.com
For more info and to grab button here
Be inspired by Courtney’s Outside Every Day Blog posts:
Take the Long way home Let it Rain
Thanks to my new follower Heather on twitter for creating a great tag for Every day is a Play day. “Occupy outside” was her idea.