Outside Every Day


As we were gearing up for the school year I made a very official looking Excel spreadsheet weekly schedule for us to have as a touchstone.  We don’t follow it to the letter, but it’s good to have for those days when you feel like you need a little structure.  On the calendar I blocked off two hours every day for outdoor play.  Now, we don’t meet this quota every day because things do come up- sickness, extreme weather, needing to cook or bake for some event or other, and we have other commitments- preschool, swim lessons, excercise time for mom!  However, most days we get outside for a nice chunk of outside play.  As motivation for me (and hopefully for you, too) I am going to post our every day outdoor excursions.  This is an interesting time of year in New England for weather and we’ve yet to see what the winter has in store, but we’ll try our best to get out!

Today we went to a local park for a bike/scooter ride.  It’s beautiful today.  The leaves have changed color and it is so warm you can go out in a t-shirt.  We rode the loop all the way around the pond and then had a picnic lunch before school.



  1. Ha! Can’t wait to see what you guys are going to be doing. I know it sounds like such a cliche, but it really isn’t about the destination when it comes to outdoor play but the journey.

  2. Kierna- I’ve seen your blog before- such an inspiration! I aspire to run a program where kids can spend most of their time outside. I will be in touch.

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