Outside Every Day November 9th, 2011 – Take the Long Way Home

It was a glorious day in Boston, where I found myself downtown and without kids.  So I decided to take the long way home.  I literally had Supertramp’s “Take the Long Way Home” playing in my head the whole time as I wandered along, passing some of my favorite spots in the city.  It’s important to get the kids outside, but it’s just as important for us.  Strolling through the city, especially on a day like today, is just as invigorating and mind clearing for me as a hike.  If you’re not on a schedule I really see no downside to taking the long way!
As for the kids…we met up with outdoor playgroup after school today for a walk and and some boulder climbing.  We’re losing our light early now, so that’s the current battle for us.  We had a great turnout- it was fun to meet some new friends!


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