Outside Every Day Nov. 24-27th, 2011- Thanksgiving Holiday


I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving.  We had a nice, long holiday where we were able to spend time as a family and time with extended family as well.  We got outside in many ways.  We did a lot of playing in the yard- we even put up some Christmas lights already (after Thanksgiving!).  On Thanksgiving there always seems to be a time when everyone needs to take a break from eating and watching football and go outside to play, even the adults, so we kept up that tradition.

I sound like a broken record, but the weather has been gorgeous.  We went for a hike today with the kids and it was the first time we’ve really hiked as a family and not had somebody in a carrier- hiking boots for the kids are in our future come springtime!



  1. Hi Courtney,
    Sounds like a great holiday ! We did our best to celebrate it in Canada.

    Today (Sunday) we have put up some Christmas decorations and made an Advent wreath and did light a candle. This is a tradition that makes me miss my home.

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