Outside Every Day- Make Every Day a Play Day: Our Weekend


Another nice weekend here in Massachusetts!  The boys went in the bike trailer with my husband to our local playground and we got a lot of backyard time in.  I had to make a trip to Ikea where I picked up an easel for the boys.  We have a tabletop one, but I’ve wanted one they could use standing up for a while now, primarily so they could use it outside- less mess in the house, more time outside!  Can’t beat this easel for $15.  My son painted a picture of one of our garden shovels digging into the garden.  He loves to draw and paint so I hope to give him more opportunities for nature and landscape painting.

While they painted I put together some chairs from Ikea, and you know when you commit to that you’ll be outside for a while!

We also saw the biggest earthworm that we’ve ever seen:


And, of course, my son commandeered the camera for a while.  I love when he gets his feet in a photo:


What did you do this weekend?


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend. We went on a walk and shopping trip on Wednesday.
    On Sunday we went to The Swedish Christmas fair,we did walk by the lake Ontario on the way home. So not such a outdoor weekend. But we did manage to get some outdoor time. As you know we started great on Friday we went on bike trip in the city, biked 24 km(-:

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