Outside Every Day- January 12th, 2012: No Bad Weather, Only Bad Coughs


Well, we attempt to get outside every day, but then you have days like today.  And it’s okay.

My son had a high fever last night so I toted both of the kids to the doctor.  Well, he has a virus, but it was my other son who was diagnosed with a pneumonia that’s been going around and presenting itself without a fever.  I guess I know why he’s been overly emotional lately (see my post from yesterday about him crying over the fact that we had no snow!).

So, what to do with two sick children on a cold, rainy, blustery day?  I let them do whatever they wanted.  We watched movies, we snacked, we built with Mega Bloks, we pulled out the couch bed.  We had a lazy, sick day.  And that’s okay, because most other days we are on the go, getting outside, meeting with friends.  I’m the kind of person who likes to monitor what my kids do with their time- juggling playing outside, seeing friends, and reading with television watching and that darn video game that once he turns on it’s really hard to get him to turn it off.  Today I completely let go of that in the name of my sick kids.  And it felt good.  We hope to be recovered enough to enjoy some fun family activities during the upcoming long weekend.