Outdoor Valentine ideas


Check out great outdoor Valentine ideas on our pinterest board

Make a heart for the birds  : What better Valentine gift can we give our bird friends than to give them some extra energy this winter? Make some suet cake hearts.You will attract western bluebirds, chickadees, jays, towhees, warblers, woodpeckers and more to your backyard.

Lucky to have snow ?

Make snow hearts out of cookie cutters 

You need:
Cookie cutters
This is how you do it: Pack snow in the cookie cutters and take the cookie cutter away. You, can jazz it up with red food coloring.

Make a snow cave 


Dress the youngster’s warmly; grab the summer picnic blanket, your favorite Valentine picnic treats and head out to have an afternoon of winter fun.

Have a Valentine picnic, check out Valentine picnic ideas here 


Wear a safety heart
Remember getting in some outdoor time doesn’t have to be hard. Walking to school or to other activities also counts. Being visible this time of year is important for both kids and adults and can prevent accidents. So please wear a safety reflector heart and be safe on the road. Another fun idea is to have a heart hunt.