Make a BBQ Pizza


One of the easiest ways to make sure you are getting outside is to eat outside. We try to eat every meal outside both in our backyard or as picnic. I hope you enjoy dining outside as much as we do in our family. We have one tradition that we share with many families; Friday is pizza night.In the summer we have mov
ed our kitchen out when the weather allows us, and making pizza is such a great activity to do together as a family. So now, every Friday, we are making pizza outside using our gas grill.

This is how you do it: Make Pizza dough or if you don’t have time to make your pizza dough use pita bread as a quick crust.

Get your toppings ready for pizza.
Whatever is in season where you live or maybe you have grown your own veggies you can put on your pizza. Suggestions for pizza: sliced tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, peppers, any kind of meat, goat cheese, grated cheese and fresh herbs.

Pre-heat your BBQ for half an hour on full temperature with a pizza stone.

Bring out all your ingredients and help your kids make the pizza crust with a rolling pin. Put your crust on a pizza paddle (make sure you have cornmeal under crust). Cornmeal prevents the crust from sticking. Let your kids make their favorite pizza. Turn down temp where your pizza stone sits, keeping temperature high where the pizza stone is not. Your BBQ can be different so make sure you experiment with your grill. It took us a few times to start getting the results that we wanted.
Enjoy !