Make and fly a flag


We have had a very mild winter in Toronto so far with hardly any snow. So we are hunting for winter activities that don’t need any snow. From our blog archive I found this great activity written by Ruth Haske. Make a flag and then go out and fly it. Sounds like a great winter activity when you don’t have any snow.


I found this amazing book “Nature’s Playground” by Fiona Danks. It is brimming full of ideas for outdoor fun and is divided into seasons to make it incredibly easy to dip into for inspiration.One of the ideas in the winter chapter was to make flags and then go out and fly them.

We were inspired!
So, we got the kids together and painted fabric flags. We stapled them to bamboo we had found locally on a previous hike and waited for a really windy day and then went out to fly the flags. The children loved running in the wind and watching the flags fly behind them. We tried to stick them in the ground, but it was too frozen.  Maybe another day!

You need:







From our Outdoor Valentine link up last week Suz in had a great activity. Hearts in Nature : A Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt
