Honest Scrap


I have been tagged for honest scrap for quite a while, a good blogger friend, Alison Kerr at Loving Nature’s Garden,  tagged me to be part of this. So I’m sorry for the lack of fresh air living post today. But, I hope it will get some fresh air to my blog and I hope you still will like me after my dark secrets are revealed. 

To accept this award, I have to share 10 honest things about myself that you wouldn’t know from reading this site. And I have to tag 7 other bloggers to participate .
The post is about sharing facts you don?t know about me.
So here I go…

I traveled alone for three months in the US in 2003. I started in San Francisco, headed east to the deep south and ended in New York City. I stayed in hostels and hotels and traveled via greyhounds and trains.

I met my husband in South Beach, Miami during that road trip. We got married in three years later at the same beach with close friends and family from Norway, Florida and Canada.

I do not drive, it use to be a personal decision. Today I have just plain not got around to getting my license. I’m too lazy. But, it is on my to do list. But generally, I do not like driving, I like to walk.

I love picking and eating wild mushrooms. It is a passion of mine… So much so that I’m seriously thinking of becoming a professional mushroom hunter. No, I don’t want to be a truffle pig when I grow up.

Water is my element, I love to swim in fresh and salt and always try to start the season early and extend the season as long as possible. Not quite a Russian icebather but not faraway from it. My husband hates cold water.

I love to eat cod fish preserved in lye (lutefisk) but can’t stand the though of eating peanut butter. And though I consider myself professionally educated in both wine and food, I chew my gum way too loudly.

I am a Leonard Cohen fan. My husband played Cohen on the jukebox while we traveled together on my America tour. I think he got some bonus points for that.

Though I love nature and it always has been part of my life, I do not have a degree in Rec or environmental studies. Though, I used to be a scout and a scout leader.

I’m a little bit of a design junkie… I love design; architecture and landscape with my favorite being modern design from Scandinavia and the US. 

I have to either live in the big city or out in the country. I do not do well in the between. 

I’m sorry to tag you and hope you will not curse me.

These are the people I tag

Shawna at Nature for Kids. Shawna is a lover of nature and getting kids out like I am. She also has a lot of kids to do it with. One more reason why I love her… Last summer she started an outdoor playgroup in Utah.

Melanie of One in 36 Million .Even though Melanie is a single mom and works full-time, she is committed to spending a lot of time outside with her son. How she finds the time to do that, I am not sure.

Jodi at KidsDiscoverNature.com, another of my colleges in the outdoor bloggers business. She is as passionate as me about get kids outside.

Debra leader of The Beach outdoor playgroup  Debra is a good friend of mine and one of the first ones I got to know here in Toronto. She is also the author of the Beach blog. Debra is a travler like me so I’m sure she has dark secrets to tell us.

Leigh at GTA Parent. Leigh connected with me a while ago. First I was like, ?who is this woman?? But she has given me a lot of good outdoor stories and now she is also starting an outdoor playgroup in Etibiocke. One more thing, she has a lot of blogs.

Susana of Mama’s Village.Susana is passionate for the outdoors, food and literature. Recently she hosted a bake sale in her back yard and raised over $20000. Her next project is to make a Cupcakes for Haiti Cookbook.

Cordelia of Devilish devilishcupcakes.com. Cordelia joined the Beach Club outdoor playgroup in Toronto. She is a holistic nutritionist and a baker of yummy cupcakes with all natural ingredients, she shares some of her cupcake secrets on her blog devilishcupcakes.com