

Soon it is time to think about what to grow in our gardens this spring. The middle of the winter is a great time to start thinking about your garden.

Having your kids involved in gardening is a great way to get in touch with Mother Nature. In our family they are involved in the whole process; choosing what we are going to grow and where they are going to be placed in the garden. Last year we started starting seeds indoors in March and planted outside in May. This year we might start as early as February.

This is how we start planning our garden

We visit our local gardening supply store and see what they have in the store and see what seeds they have, going to a small local gardening store is better because they have seeds base on your local climate.

We also are looking in seed catalogs, see Mother Earths News for best garden seeds online

We also look in gardening books together. One of my favorite books is Organic Crops in Pots

We check out what other gardeners in the universe are doing, they are so kind to share tips and inspirational stories with us.

Life on the Balcony

Loving Nature’s Gardening

A Suburban Farmer

Urban Organic Gardner