Frost paintings and pinecones


We did two wonderful projects over this past week in our attempt to bring the outdoors indoors!

After our pinecone hunt for bird feeders we had so many still to find a use for.  With the first snow the children were enchanted, so we decided to put our own “magical snow” on some pinecones.  Simply painting them with white glue and then sprinkling over silver and gold glitter.  Once they were dry we created rings with pipecleaners which we then used as frames to hang our pinecones.  They hang down in a spiral from each ring to make beautiful, yet simple mobiles.  Each child was thrilled to be able to take one home to decorate their house.

We also tried another arty project, this time unfortunately less successful…..but that just gives us an excuse to try it again, because it was really fun.  We did some “frost paintings”.  After soaking heavy watercolor paper, we painted them liberally with liquid watercolors.  We then immediately took them outside and placed them on the frozen ground and left them to dry.  I have heard that you end up with wonderful frosty patterns within the paint, but we were only able to see that on a couple of paintings.  Maybe the ground was too frosty (i.e. frozen snow residue!).  We will have to try again in the new year!  I will upload some images when they are more successful!