Eight brave moms take on the Park-A-Day KaBOOM! Summer Challenge


 Tracey Quinn, a mother from Safety Harbor, Florida, issued a challenge to her three boys last summer: Find a new park every day. She shared the idea with KaBOOM!, a national nonprofit dedicated to saving play for America’s children, and the gears started turning. How great would it be if other parents could do the same thing with their children this summer, in cities and towns across the country?

Now KaBOOM! is proud to announce its first-ever Park-A-Day Summer Challenge. Eight brave challengers have been selected to:

* Take their children to at least 50 different local parks, playgrounds, or other public playspaces this summer

* Post photos & written updates to the Park-A-Day Summer Challenge group (http://connect.kaboom.org/_Park-A-Day-Summer-Challenge/group/115948/14937.html) on kaboom.org

* Add or contribute to each playspace they visit on the KaBOOM! Playspace Finder (http://playspacefinder.kaboom.org/)

Through the Park-A-Day Summer Challenge, KaBOOM! hopes to:

* Highlight and draw attention to the importance of outdoor playspaces, especially in a year when budget deficits are forcing hundreds of parks to close across the country

* Inspire other parents and kids to get outside, play, and explore this summer

* Create a comprehensive map of playspaces in our challengers’ hometowns and inspire parents in other towns and cities to do the same.Learn more and meet the 2010 summer challengers here (http://kaboom.org/summer_challenge).