We have had some wonderful spring days here in Toronto. I think it is finally time to pack away our snowsuits and get ready for spring and Easter. This Easter is going to be extra special for us as my sister and her family from Norway is coming to celebrate it with us.

Yesterday it was time for us to begin preparing for Easter so we started with some outdoor Easter decorations. Since daffodils represent Easter for me, we decided to make some Easter daffodil pots and brought our craft materials outside to the front porch.
Sitting on the front porch always seems to get the attention of the neighborhood kids who decided to join us for the fun. It ended up being an afternoon with lots of play on the porch that quickly spilled over to the sidewalk and beyond.
This what you need:
A pot
Acrylic paint
Paint brushes
Water in bowl
Potting soil
Forced daffodils bulbs
Pussy Willows
Small chickens (homemade or bought)

How to do it
Put an apron on your children and let them paint the pots. Have a bowl filled with water so they can rinse the brushes. Let the pot dry.
Replant the forced daffodils in the pot with fresh potting soil. Cover with moss, stick in a few pussy willows for decorations and add a small chicken or two. We crafted some chickens out of fluffy yellow balls, pipe cleaners, feathers and paint for this one but anything goes… Easter bunnies or eggs can be just as nice. We made this for the outside but you can make ornaments like this for the inside as well.
Happy Easter!
What kind of Easter crafts do you do with the kids?