Eight brave moms take on the Park-A-Day KaBOOM! Summer Challenge

 Tracey Quinn, a mother from Safety Harbor, Florida, issued a challenge to her three boys last summer: Find a new park every day. She...

Why I have been quiet the last few weeks:

I apologize for not having posted regularly on my website and for things being so quiet on the social media front since the 14th...

Growing up Down Under

By Emily McBurnie Growing up in Deniliquin, country Australia, certainly had it's perks; sunshine and warmth almost all year round, wild kangaroos jumping in...

April Shower Blog contest

We are challenging grandparents, outdoor playgroup leaders, early childhood educators, teachers and parents to write a post or make a vlog about being outside...

Put away the Toys, and Get Outside

By Nancy Ripton My sons get more toys in a year than I had in my entire life but most of them sit in boxes...

Outdoor Birthday Party

By Kari Svenneby There are a lot of commercial venues in North America from indoor playgrounds to chain restaurants that cater to children’s birthday parties....

Outside Every Day by Courtney

As we were gearing up for the school year I made a very official looking Excel spreadsheet weekly schedule for us to have as...

The Sun Didn’t Shine…

By Erica aka Cragmama The Sun didn't shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house all that cold, cold, wet day."...

Get Your Smokey On

By Russell Gienapp I hope you are out enjoying nature this summer regardless if it is in the city or out in the wild nature....

Walking to school

Fredrikstad. Norway:  I remember when I was a kid I walked to school alone without any parents. I know I share this experience with...
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