Treasure hunt and scavenger hunts, Iphone style


A lot of times when I write my posts, I’m questioning myself why I’m writing how to play with children? I ask myself aren’t they suppose to create their own creations and games without us telling them what to do? Yes, that is the ultimate goal; we just have to give them the tools to do so. Sometimes the magic happens and sometimes they just do something completely different than you planed. Like yesterday, I gave them badminton to play with, and then they ask me for my Iphone because they wanted to play a game.


A lot of times when I write my posts, I’m questioning myself why I’m writing how to play with children? I ask myself aren’t they suppose to create their own creations and games without us telling them what to do? Yes, that is the ultimate goal; we just have to give them the tools to do so. Sometimes the magic happens and sometimes they just do something completely different than you planed. Like yesterday, I gave them badminton to play with, and then they ask me for my Iphone because they wanted to play a game.


Nope, no apps here… With just a compass and a camera on the Iphone. They developed their own game and were occupied the whole day. They developed 2 great games, I think I have to think about how to create an app (-;

They developed treasure hunt by using the directions from a compass.

Scavenger Hunt: Taking pictures of an object and letting the other players find the image.

This is what you need:

A smart phone with a compass function (or you can use a old fashion compass and camera)


Something to hide

Players: from 2 to 20

This is how you do it:

Tresurehunt with using directions from a Compass:

One player hides a treasure with the help of a compass; he/she gives the players clues and the directions, north, south, east, west

Change the game and let all the player try to hide and to find the treasure.


Scavenger hunt:

One player takes a picture with the camera of the location.

The other players find the image (where the image was taken). Change it up let all players try it out.

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