You are not alone


Almost 5 years ago, on a cold January day, I started an outdoor playgroup for my then 1-year-old daughter. Little did I know that I would keep on building outdoor playgroups and inspirer other parents to do the same where they live. It is such a simple idea, but so powerful.

Excitement is building
A lot has changed in 5 years time. Getting children into nature has received a lot of national media attention in the US. First Lady Michelle Obama, has been an active champion for getting kids outside. We also have great advocates in Children and Nature Network, Kaboom, National Wildlife Federation and yes lots of new bloggers inspiring parents to get outside too.

In Canada we have the Children and Nature Alliance and KidActive. If you think that Canada does not need initiatives and grassroot action to get kids outside you should read Active Healthy Kid’s 2010 report card.

Outdoor heroes
My outdoor heroes are all the parents doing great work in their communities. Moms and Dads are organizing outdoor playgroups. Not for money but because they want to meet other parents and kids to explore nature with. Even though there may be lonely days that you find you and your child are all by yourselves, remember all the parents who come to this site and contribute stories feel the same; you are not alone in that park.

I often hear the same stories and concerns from parents regardless of where they live. I used to be that mom in the park, wondering where all the kids are. But today I am so touched to see all the new outdoor playgroups springing up in the US, and connecting with people that care so much about play that they are willing to get out there and be a play organizer in their community. It not always easy, believe me. But, it is very rewarding.

New Outdoor Playgroups
Thank you very much for joining our community of outdoor heroes here at Make sure you read their outdoor playgroup blogs; it gives me goose bumps.

Kristen in Bloomington, Illinois

Jennifer in Muskegon, Minnesota

Kim in Sacramento, Californian

Alice in Provo, Utah

Jennie in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Leslie in Snellville, Georgia

Sara in Lake Ridge, Virginia

Amy in Temecula, California

Brandy in Charlotte, North Carolina

Heather in Rensselaerville, New York

And of course all of’s seasoned outdoor heroes in Toronto and the US.

Now that this is posted, I’m going out for a ravine walk with the playgroup that I belong to, The Beach in Toronto.


Thanks to my partner in outdoor play, Polarn O Pyret, for spreading the word and giving anyone who becomes an outdoor playgroups leader here a $75 credit for children’s outerwear and clothing on their site. I’m also happy that we have functional quality clothing available for Americans, making easier for them to go outside. As we say her at there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.