My baby loves trees


There is a big maple tree in front of our house. When we moved in we decided that the children’s rooms should look out over the tree. From both their rooms they can see the leaves rustling in the breeze and it is so pretty. We also thought the tree would shade the rooms in the summer but there was an unexpected benefit.

The first time I put him in the change table he gazed out the window and looked at the leaves and was entranced. They say a newborn can’t see that far, but I know he saw the tree and it calmed him. He was transfixed by the swishing sound of the leaves and the flickering of the sun through the tree.

Once I realized that my baby loves trees I found I used the tree to calm him down if I couldn’t figure out why he was crying. Any tree would do wether it is in the yard, in the park or out the window, if I could find a tree for him to look at he would instantly calm down.

He also just loves being outside and naked if possible. He is calmer with no diaper on. I think all babies are happier “au natural” and having a baby in the summer means being naked outside is possible. He is only 2 months old but his connection to the rhythm of the trees and nature is clear.

Did you know :
The Comforting Rhythms of Nature “The abrupt transition from the womb to the real world for a newborn can also be eased by familiar sounds such as a mother’s heartbeat. It has been noted often that playing recordings of a heartbeat can comfort and calm a newborn baby. Other sounds of nature, such as the gentle yet rhythmic sound of the ocean surf, or the running water sound of a babbling brook, can help calm infants or help them fall asleep safely and naturally.”

Babies sleep longer when exposed to plenty of light
“A study by Dr Yvonne Harrison has found that babies sleep longer when exposed to plenty of light in the afternoon, a time when many mothers used to put babies in the garden in their prams or take them to a park.”

“Nature can have a powerful and wonderful affect on babies and their mothers.
When first learnings about the world and all its wonders are shared through the tender care of a nurturing adult like you, your baby will grow and learn in healthy and happy ways!”
Vicki L. Ehlers, Early Childhood Specialist.

Debra Scott lives in Toronto, with her family.