By Kari Svenneby
School is out and summer is officially here. I’m always looking for new ways to get my kids active and creative outdoors. I have to admit most of the times my kids will find their own games, but sometimes they need some help to get started.I love these fun messy play ideas works well in an outdoor playgroup setting or ECE setting.

Painting with flowers:
Let your kids pick some flowers and bring out the paint and a canvas. (Roll of paper) Let them paint the flowers and use the flowers as stamps, look at the different patterns they make.
Use body paint and then go in the sprinklers:
Buy some body paint and paint your kids (or let your kids paint them self ) and then go in the sprinklers.

Just add some water to sidewalk chalks:
Add some water to the sidewalk chalks add a new dimension to sidewalk chalks.The colors are amazing. Have some paintbrushes on stand by and see what your little artists can come up with.
Go Outside and Play fortuneteller
Go fishing in your own backyard