Make a Halloween Troll


Debra in the Outdoor playgroup leader in the Beach in Toronto has been organizing Halloween spooky Walks for many years, rain or shine the Halloween walk is happening in the Ravine.

One year they made Halloween Troll

One of the activities they did at this Halloween walk was a Halloween Troll. It was a quite the success and the kids really liked it.  The great thing about creating land art is you can do it anywhere, at a beach, a forest or in your own backyard.

This is how they did and how you can do it

We started out by making a troll under the bridge out of found objects.  My daughter named her Delia.  It is amazing to me the imagination of a child.  Pumpkin gut hair, CD eyes, acorn pupils, carrot ears, acorn and stick mouth with pumpkin seed teeth and apple skin lips, leaves for a body, arms and legs of sticks, some beer bottle caps for hands .and voila.. a troll  the bridge.