Growing sunflowers can be a unique, family project. So much can be learned about nature and the growing process, as well as teaching children patience. The end result will be something they will remember and treasure.
Look at the graphic with your child. With a cup of water on stand-by let them do as much as they can. Even if they are not reading yet, see if they can look at the pictures and decipher the process.
You need : Soil disc (peat pellet), sunflower seed,container and water
Care for your plant. Make sure you put in a window with a lot of sun (it isn’t call a sunflower for nothing) and water it well. (For us who live in cold climates, when the danger of frost is over you can plant it outside in a sunny place)
Sunflower journal. A fun activity for kids is to measure the sunflower and start a sunflower journal. Use a measure the height every week and keep track of the progress.
Plant the sunflower outside and continue with the journal throughout the summer. Be sure to take some pictures of your successes and your failures.
Don’t let a failure get you and your young gardener down. Rather try to figure out what is munching on your sunflower and continue the natural science lessons.
When the flower is blooming, see what kind of butterflies and bees are attracted. Take pictures of these visitors and try to identify them.
When the sunflower is done blooming both people and birds can enjoy the seeds. Try to roast some, pick some for seeding next year and leave some seeds for the birds.
Interested in some more gardening with kids?
Read familygardening
Read plant seeds
Read container gardening
Read Plant tomato plants in a upside down planter
Read Some fun gardening experiments for kids (big kids too)