Free-range apple picking and nature walk


Andrea one of our members in Beach club was so kind to organize an outing to Unicamp.It is about 1,5 hour drive from Toronto. The weather forecast did not look good for this outing, but as you know there is no bad weather, only bad clothing for us….

It turn out to be a great day for a outdoor adventure with all ingredients.

Bonfire; grilling hot dogs and s’mores. Looking at frogs, walking, climbing trees and of course picking apples. And the weather? Well we had all kinds of weather sunshine and rain. -A true outdoor adventure for kids and adults.

Thank you Andrea for organizing.

Nature walk Unicamp

Looking at plants

Nice Flower mom !

Picking apples

We love apples

Walking and looking at leaves

“It is never to early to start with outdoor adventures” says pregnant Elena

Grilling hotdogs,so much fun !