Spring flowers and buds on trees are coming and legend says with them our little fairy fiends. I know, beacuse my little girl keeps talking about them all the time. She is starting to plan her garden for the fairies. Legend says that if she builds a fairy house in the spring that fairies will come and live in it.

This is a fun activity for both boys and girls. Boys can make houses for gnomes or maybe a mini troll. It is the perfect project to do as a group or alone with a parent.

How to make fairy homes
All of Nature’s materials can be used to construct a fairy house. The only limits are if you don’t believe fairies are going to live there. Use twigs, branches, leaves, rocks, feathers and shells. Flowers are always a homey addition for any house.

Start with going for a walk in your neighborhood or look in your backyard and gather natural materials. Let the kids decide what to collect.
Find a perfect spot for your house, by a tree trunk is a good place. When you have found the spot start building and create your masterpiece.

Our kids used different sticks to make their house, and then they finished off with shells.
Now we are checking every time we are by to see if the fairies have been there.
Fairy house by outdoor playgroup the Beach

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