One of the many great gifts my father gave me in life was biking. It’s not because we considered ourselves hardcore bikers, we mainly used the bike as way to get around in the city and to go for family trips together.
I think I have always owned a bike in my life. Not because it was green or it was the healthy living thing to do, it was just an easy and fun way to get around that made me happy. It still makes me happy and it is always great when we are together on a family outing.
I hope your family is enjoying biking as much as we do. Our community of parents has been wonderful to share their reviews about gear and bike trailer/bike seats. (Please notice that none of these posts are sponsored)
Like a bike

In our family we love our Like a Bike. It is now on its second child with our 2 1/2 year old just starting to master it. It was a dear friend for my oldest daughter for two years. When she was 4 years old her grandmother bought her a pedal bike with training wheels. We took off the training wheels and on her maiden voyage (much to the shock of grandma) there were no crashes or tears.
Read More about Like a bikes here
Front mounted kid seats
Here is what families are saying about using front mounted kid seats:

What Mel says about her Wee Ride
What our families are saying about bike trailers

What Elizabeth says about her Mountain Equipment Co-op double trailer/stroller

What Susana says about her Burley
Side car bike trailers

Debra in the Beach Club has a chariot side car, read what she says
Cargo bikes
If you ever have been to Copenhagen or Amsterdam you might have noticed their cool cargo bikes. I have to say I have always dreamed of getting one. It can be used to carry your kids and/or all you gear.
Read more about cargo bikes

Do your family enjoy biking? What kind of bike seat/ trailer do you have?