Florida Road Trip Highlights
By Elizabeth Nemethy
We recently spent a week in Florida, plus about 2 days driving each way. As a family more interested in the...
Cross country skiing in the Beach
We have been blessed with snow in Toronto and we have been so lucky to be able to cross-country skiing in the city. I...
Summer in Norway
By Kari Svenneby
One of the things that strike me about Canada is how similar Norway and Canada are in both landscape and climates. It...
Where to Enjoy Nature With Kids in Los Angeles
By Debi Huang
Disneyland and Hollywood aren't the only places to take kids when visiting Los Angeles. This sprawling metropolis is full of wonderful outdoor...
6 Tips for Camping with Kids
By Beata Antoszek
Summer is coming and many families are preparing for camping trips. But camping can take on many forms, depending on your preferences...
Hello from Florida
One week in Florida, as some of you might know I often think of Florida as my second home. My husband is from Florida...
6 Savvy Spring Break Suggestions: Outdoor Adventures for the Whole Family
By Heidi Drake,Playoutdoors
Spring hasn't quite sprung yet in many areas of the globe, but the annual phenomenon known as Spring Break is soon...
Cross Country Skiing in TORONTO
By Kari Svenneby
It was one of those days in Toronto when the city was snowed in. Some folks might say it is the...
Newfoundland, nature is never far away
Newfoundland -- Just the name makes me think of Vikings, salt and wind. The Vikings settled in Newfoundland or ‘Vinland’ as they called it...
10 Things for the Best Car Camping Trip Ever
10 Things for the Best Car Camping Trip Ever
By Heidi Ahrens,Play Outdoors
This summer you may be planning to partake in the great tradition of...