The wonders of garlic mustard recipes
Google garlic mustard and it will take you to pages telling horror stories about this invasive and dreaded herb plant. Here in Ontario, Park...
Make a bird nest
A simple and fun spring activity is to make a bird nest. We try to do this activity every year when we are out...
5 Easter ideas
In Toronto, spring is finally in the air and I’m enjoying seeing spring flowers coming up from the ground.
Here is how we like to...
Last week we shared geocaching, but have you ever heard about the sister to geocaching, - Letterboxing? A GPS treasure hunt with stamps ?...
Boy play? Play in the dirt, play monster and ninja games
I often hear this from parents, "My boys are not into nature play" or "They are just into sport or it is so hard...
Have an Easter bunny hunt !
Have an Easter bunny hunt !Have an Easter bunny hunt this easter !
1-2-3 Go and find Easter bunnies !
I found one !
Easter bunny hunters...
Easter decoration
We have had some wonderful spring days here in Toronto. I think it is finally time to pack away our snowsuits and get ready...
Treasure Hunt
Don’t you just love it when your kids show you how to play a game or do a new activity? My daughter did just...
How to make videos for web, tips from a filmmaker
By Russell Gienapp
Though I work with camera packages that are worth +$100,000, I try to use simple tools when I am doing videos for...
Dress for spring
No bad weather, only bad clothing…
Do you wonder how to dress your kids for the seasons for warmth, comfort and an active life? Don’t...