Go outside and play
Check out our new video and song. The song is composed by Angelo Oddi. Help us spread the word by sharing it with your...
Cargo bikes
By Kari Svenneby Toronto seems to have been blessed with an early spring this year and I am finding myself in a real biking...
Tips about how to organize an Outdoor Playgroup
Create An Outdoor Playgroup
Creating an outdoor playgroup is a great way for you to connect with other active parents in your community and build...
Like a bike
By Kari Svenneby
We have a gadget in our family, it is like having a dog or being famous.
People stop, people wave, people point. And...
Outdoor Playgroups
Together we will move mountainsBy Kari Svenneby A lot of the time it is...
Cross Country skiing with children
By Russell Gienapp
While my daughter and I were out on her longest ski (5 km), I kept reminding myself to keep it fun.It started...
Host a community event for a good cause
You might be wondering what does this have to do with outdoor play? It has everything to do with building an outdoor community and...
Walking versus Running: How much Time do you Have?
By Leehe Lev,Photos by Natasha Gill and Leehe LevIn January 2007, I quit running. People often find it an odd thing for a personal...
Beautiful Things I Saw Today
The Snow Storm
Wed 9 Dec 2009
By Debra Scott
Today the weather was not what we thought. We woke up this morning to snow...
Outdoor Birthday Party
By Kari Svenneby
There are a lot of commercial venues in North America from indoor playgrounds to chain restaurants that cater to children’s birthday parties....