Bottle Games


Bottle games

Prepare plastic bottles

Get some plastic bottles, fill them with water, and then add a little food coloring. Teach your children about primary colors, and how you can mix them to create new colors. If you like, freeze the bottles and let your kids see what happens to water as it turns to ice.

Game and preparation

On a gentle slope, help your kids make slides for the bottles to slip down. If the snow has a little depth, you can make troughs that wind their way down the hill. Make more than one “bobsled track” and you can have races between the colored bottles and see who comes in first! The more snow you have the more fun you can make with your tracks. You can also carve tunnels and spray some water on the track to make the bottles go really fast!

Ski Jump

Make a giant pile of snow and start carving a ski jump out of the snow. This takes a little more work, but let your kids help you; it is also part of the fun. Make troughs and use some water to make the bottles go very fast. The bottles that have jumped the longest win.