By Kari Svenneby
How I love spring, especially when you live in a cold climate. You really feel like you are reborn again. There is something special about hearing the birds are back and simply just go out the door without any jacket or layering of clothes. Another thing spring is for me is spring-cleaning in house and out in the backyard.
Talking about spring-cleaning, I bet your local park could use some spring-cleaning as well.

Earth Day activity – clean up your local park
Gather your friends and kids and head out to your local park. Bring gloves, garbage bags and wet wipes.
When you start everybody goes in a line and on the count of three, start picking up garbage. This is a great way to divide the space so you and your helpers don’t pick garbage in the same place. Make sure you supervise your kids. Show your little helpers how to be clean up and be safe.
You will be amazed how much pride children have in cleaning up their park. You might think this is boring for little kids but our experience is if you make this an activity with friends they are very excited to clean up.
A few years ago in our first (Oriole) outdoor playgroup one of our members invited us to a picnic and garbage cleaning . We were amazed how many people showed up and how much fun the kids had.