A beginners guide how to gear up for skiing


“This article was first published in November 2009 and was edited in January 2020.” 
By Mari Syverstad
I think all of us remember the excitement of the first snowflakes in the winter. I still think it is exciting and I just want to get out and play in the snow. Winter is a great time for family and winter activities. Skiing is great family activity to do for family bonding and to keep active as a family. The ski season often start in November and may last to mid March.

If your family is new to skiing should you buy skis or rent them ?
The first question is should you buy or rent skis? The answer depends on how much you want to ski. If you’re just going for one or two ski vacations, then I would suggest that you rent. First, buying skis is expensive and second, the resorts are usually good at keeping their skis up to date. But if you want to ski a little bit more I suggest that you buy ski equipment. I find it very time and energy consuming to stand in line and try out skis and boots every time you want to ski.
Beginner skis, intermediate skis, advanced skis ? It’s a little bit of a jungle to buy new skis and the most difficult part is to test them. How do you know if they fit you? Make sure that the store you go to have professional staff to help you getting you skis. Be true to yourself when you explain which type of skier you are. A big mistake is to buy expensive skis without knowing if they are for beginners or advanced skiers. If you are a beginner and buy skis for advanced skiers you will have a really hard time trying to master the skis. Skis often get classified by Beginner, intermediate, advanced skis.
Boots Try many different boots before you buy any, to make sure you have the right fit for you. The most important is; that they feel comfortable. Boots are the link to the skis and if you are uncomfortable or cold you won’t ski well. If they don’t work, it doesn’t matter how good or expensive the skis you have. One common mistake is to buy boots to big. Tips how boots should fit you: Foot is stable in the boot. Be able to move the toes but not the feet. It will feel very tight when you try them, quite uncomfortable but they should not hurt. The inner shoe will expand after a few days of skiing. A good idea is to try boots more at home. Ask the store what their return policy is. Some stores let you return boots even if you have been skiing with them. It might be a good idea to buy boots with thermoformed insoles . Thermoformed insoles are adjusted to fit your feet exactly and are therefore more comfortable. I have some and now it’s much more fun to ski and I don’t have to get inside to warm my feet all the time. Worth every penny!
How to dress for the skiing

– Outer layer: Insulated waterproofed jacket and Insulated waterproofed snow pants.
-Middle layer : add an extra layer for cold day use wool blends, fleeces.
-Base layer: Thermonal underwear of merino wool,  blends of wool or synthetic fabric.
Balaclava to wear under the helmet, buff to cover your face or a face mask for cold days. -Goggles.

Buying used skis
This can be a good idea for children, who outgrow skis all the time. It’s also good if you’re a first time skier. Why buy new expensive skis when you don’t know how to ski yet? Look for local stores who sells used sport equipment in your area, or online like Kijiji, Ebay, facebook.  Look for the same guidelines for used skies as for new to buy boots and skis that fit you and your type of skiing.

Read how to introduce skiing to your kids 

Mari lives in Stockholm with her family, she loves spending time outdoors with her family, she used to be the  organizer of Whitrow outdoor Playgroup in Toronto.