Halloween Spooky Walk


What a fantastic turn out we had to the spooky ravine halloween walk we did today.  That was fantastic.  Thank you to all who made it out and for those who called to send regrets I hope you are feeling better.

We had a great time.  We started out by making a troll under the bridge out of found objects.  My daughter named her Delia.  It is amazing to me the imagination of a child.  Pumpkin gut hair, CD eyes, acorn pupils, carrot ears, acorn and stick mouth with pumpkin seed teeth and apple skin lips, leaves for a body, arms and legs of sticks, some beer bottle caps for hands and volia.. a troll  the bridge.

Troll made out of found objects

 We then got stuck in the river.  Thanks to the THINKING parents who brought extra socks and tights!  I’ll have to remember that for future treks in the ravine before school!

Then we walked in the spooky woods and found more imaginary trolls under a few of the bridges.  We sang our Halloween songs and had our picnic at the top of the ravine and found a climbing tree.   The rain didn’t bother the kids one bit.

picnic in the rain

And cheers to those of you who wore your costumes anyway.  I opted to leave my withc costume at home and instead pretend to be a big yellow rubber duck.

Halloween Group