Halloween in the Ravine


What a wonderful time we had doing our second annual Halloween in the Ravine.  So many kids showed up in costume and the weather was gorgeous. We started off having a picnic lunch by the benches and then we delved into the ravine where we could play imagination games and look for trolls under the bridges.

The little ones were more interested in pushing their own strollers but the big ones were happy to climb up the mountains and sit on the tree trunks of the fallen trees.

Then we had our grand finale at the top of the Ravine where we had hot chocolate and spooky Halloween cupcakes.  If you are lucky enough like us to have a baker in the group.  These unexpected, not to mention yummy treats added to the specialness of the day.

What a motley crew of characters sitting on this log.  They all had a great time and I hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween.

Special thanks to the cupcake maker, the photo takers, the people who came and brought extra kidlets, the regulars, the one who lent me extra boots for my boy and of course all the kids who dressed up and were festive.  Thank you all for making Halloween in the Ravine such a great event the second time ’round.